Simple oDesk login for your Django-based project

$ pip install django-odesk-auth

Note: oDesk is called Upwork since May 5, 2015, and their APIs have migrated to another domain. They promised to continue supporting oDesk APIs until May 19, 2015. A backwards-compatible release to this library is planned to be made before that date. New version will depend on python-upwork instead of python-odesk and therefore use API endpoints hosted on instead of Then, support will be continued only for the new django-upwork-auth, which is in the works. (See #4.)

Creating oDesk OAuth API key

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Quick start

Provided you have installed django-odesk-auth and python-odesk==0.5.

  1. Add django_odesk_auth to INSTALLED_APPS. Make sure you have django.contrib.sites app in INSTALLED_APPS as well.

  2. Add django_odesk_auth.backends.ODeskOAuthBackend to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.

  3. Specify ODESK_OAUTH_KEY and ODESK_OAUTH_SECRET settings with your key information.


  5. Include django_odesk_auth.urls in your URL patterns.

  6. In your login page template, put a link "Log in via oDesk" and point it to {% url "odesk_oauth_login" %}.

  7. Open login page and click "Log in via oDesk" to verify everything works.

Important: keep ODESK_OAUTH_KEY and ODESK_OAUTH_SECRET settings in a file that is not under version control.

Example project

Install django==1.6 and python-odesk==0.5 (better do this in virtual Python environment created specifically for example project).

Fill in some critical settings in example_project/ (see comments), then run ./ syncdb, then you can run development server and open localhost:8000.

Access control

App has basic access control facilities.

You can specify who is allowed to log in to your site and who upon login gets staff and/or superuser statuses. This is configured through Django settings.

Currently access control cannot be turned off. You have to explicitly specify at least who is allowed to log in to your site. (Yes, this means you can't grant access to everyone yet, unless you hack the app.)

Users that aren't allowed to log in get User.is_active flag set to False. See utils.update_user_permissions() definition if you're interested in other specifics, and see available settings below.

Making authenticated oDesk API calls

After user is successfully authenticated, you can call oDesk API on their behalf.

Here's a quick example::

from django_odesk_auth import utils, O_ACCESS_TOKEN

odesk_client = utils.get_client(request.session[O_ACCESS_TOKEN])
# Should output list of teams user has access to

Some notes:

Checking OAuth access token

Sometimes there's a need to make sure that current user's authentication is still valid—that they, for example, didn't revoke access to their account.

For that you can use utils.check_login() in Python, or make an AJAX request to named URL 'odesk_oauth_check_login' from client side (see views.oauth_check_login).

Available Django settings

API key information.

Whether to create a new account in Django if given user logs in via oDesk for the first time.

oDesk emails of users who are allowed to log in via oDesk.

oDesk emails of users who are marked as is_staff upon login.

oDesk emails of users who are marked as is_superuser upon login.

IDs of oDesk teams, members of which are allowed to log in via oDesk.

IDs of oDesk teams, members of which are marked as is_staff upon login.

IDs of oDesk teams, members of which are marked as is_superuser upon login.